Medicare help, Learn Medicare,

I'm calling BS on theMedicare Industry!

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I am a Registered Nurse and Hospital CEO with a doctoral degree in healthcare. I know Medicare inside out.

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Medicare can be confusing. Understanding the truth can save you money, protect your health, and give you peace of mind.

Here’s What the Insurance Industry Does NOT Want You to Know About Medicare:


You have ONE Big Decision – Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage?

When you first sign up for Medicare, you must choose between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

Switching later can be complicated and costly—unless you live in one of the few states where switching is easier.

💡 You MUST understand the differences before making your choice.


There’s No Such Thing as a $0 Premium Plan

If someone tells you there’s a premium-free plan, it’s not true.

Almost everyone on Medicare pays a Part B premium each month.

The cost of Part B is taken from your Social Security check or paid quarterly if you’re not on Social Security.

👉 The higher your income, the more you pay for Part B.


Think $0 Health Insurance is Real? Know the True Costs of Private Plans!

Do you really think you can pay $0 and get health insurance from private companies? Make sure you understand what you’re getting and what your out-of-pocket costs will be if you get sick. What medical bills will you have to pay?


Insurance Companies Profit Big from Medicare Advantage.

Put simply, when you choose Medicare Advantage, the federal government pays your Part A and Part B premiums to the private insurance company managing your care.

These companies make money by spending less than they receive, and by meeting certain quality goals.

They limit your choices of doctors and hospitals, require prior approvals for tests and medications, and you pay if you don’t follow the rules.

Know the difference between physician groups, known as HMO's and PPO's, because this can affect how much you pay.


The System is Set Up to Confuse You

Medicare is meant to be simple, but it’s not.

The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 promised competition and government cost savings. Instead…

The federal government’s costs for Medicare skyrocketed.

Enrollees are expected to shop for a better Medicare plan every year, but the system is so confusing, most people don't.

Most people choose a Medicare plan once, and then forget about it. (Which is exactly what the insurance industry wants you to do!)

👉 Don’t blame yourself! It’s easier to pay more in premiums than to sort through the confusion.


You Don’t Need an Agent, Broker, or Expensive Medicare Coach

You don’t have to pay $500 to $2,000 for advice. You don’t even have to talk to an insurance agent or broker.

💡 There’s a better way to learn about Medicare than from an agent or broker who gets paid based on what you choose.


Insurance Companies Make More Money if You Choose Medicare Advantage

Agents and brokers make less if you choose Original Medicare, but they earn more if you choose Medicare Advantage.

That’s why they push it so hard.


The Government’s Medicare Website is Confusing

Medicare’s official website is hard to use.

Is it designed this way to keep us confused? Who knows?

It makes understanding the options even harder.

The Bottom Line

Medicare is not one-size-fits-all, and you deserve to understand your options.

Don’t let confusion or industry profits guide your decision.

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